You can visit our homepage on www.istudiojewels.com
The space, a workshop and store combined, offers quality craftmanship and unique, functional design.
Jewelry with the most spectacular gemstones.
We have more than 20 years of experience and are driven by a strong devotion to design, fashion, urban lifestyle, architecture and art.
Quality as opposed to quantity. Timeless and modern. Exclusive and original. In a time consuming process we combine classical style with modern elegance, using precious materials to create the ultimate luxury, aiming to satisfy your needs at affordable prices.
Isachsen Studio has its own design cut with semi-precious and precious gemstones in 12 colours and 4 sizes, from 3 to 73 ct. A wide selection of gems and pearls in various shapes, clarities and sizes from our international distributors.
Many newlyweds have had the pleasure of wearing hand crafted, custom made wedding bands, just as rare and genuine as their love for each other. We also specialize in REDESIGN of your proper gold and gemstones and offer repairs, valuation and cleaning of your jewelry.
To own a genuine piece of designer jewelry affects you deeply. It will be kept and valued for generations, complement your outfit and reveal your individuality.
Isachsen Studio is not a dull chain store concept. We pride ourselves in giving incomparable service and value for the money. Our utmost goal is to make you supersatisfied at all levels. Please feel free to contact us for assistance.
Most welcome to our colourfull world.
Yours sincerely
Torill Isachsen and her crew
- Egen virksomhet siden 1998
- Ansatt hos ExpoArte Smykkedesign, 1988-1997
- Ansatt hos tre forskjellige gull- og platinasmeder i München med profesjonell utvikling 1996
- Gullsmedmester 1994
- Svennebrev som gullsmed 1988
- Nominert til NÅLØYET 2011
- Tildelt Merket For God Design av Norsk Designråd, 2000
- 2. pris Norges Gullsmedforbunds Designkonkurranse, 2000
- 1. pris Norges Gemmologiske Selskap for beste bruk av edle stener, 2000
- 1. pris Benvenuto Cellini Awards, Tyskland 1997
- 5. pris International Pearl Design Contest, Japan 1996
- Skåtøy galleri 2011, 2012 og 2015 www.skatoy.net
- Norges Gullsmedforbund Vandreutstilling 2000, 2004, 2007
- Expo Arte Smykkesdesign, Oslo La Corte, Padova, 2002
- Mobilia Gallery, The Ring, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2001
- Mobilia Gallery, Jewellery from painting, 2003
- Mitt studio og nettside
- Expo Arte Smykkedesign, Oslo
- Norway Design, Oslo
- BA(HONS) , Silversmithing, goldsmithing and Jewellery design
- Kent Institute of Art and Design